
The American Dance Guild is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a history of supporting artists in many ways through various initiatives. Becoming a member with ADG ensures we can continue to provide accessible opportunities and uphold artistic excellence. Members of ADG also receive the following benefits:

  • Invitation to all ADG events

  • Discounted rate on ADG festival tickets

  • Reduced tuition to our summer intensive at Peridance Center

  • Discounted rate to ADG board member classes and offerings 

  • Eligible to apply to present work at our festival

  • Eligible to apply to our scholarship program

  • Reduced price on ADG archival materials, including books and videos

  • Reduced price on copies of Dance Scope, ADG’s multi-dimensional dance publication

Membership is valid for one year with the exception of the Lifetime Membership. Membership fees are listed below. If you would like an alternative way to support our organization, you may make a tax-deductible donation.

Membership Categories:

Regular $60

Institutions (Universities, Libraries, Dance Companies) $175

Participating Choreographer / Author for Book Fair $60

Student $35

Senior $35

Supporter $100

Patron $250

Lifetime Member $600

Become a Member

Please complete the form below to initiate your membership. Once complete, click here to pay for your membership.

Alternatively, to pay by check, mail a check payable to “American Dance Guild” along with a printed application to the below address:

Gloria McLean, Treasurer ADG, 320 West 83rd Street, Apt. 7D, New York, NY 10024. 

We look forward to having you as a member!